Thursday, December 4, 2014

The World Would Be a Better Place if...

PTSA, The world would be a better place if...competition

My intentions for making this piece is to influence people who are better off to help those who are not. In this illustration, I had a mansion to represent the rich and a neighborhood of shacks to represent the poor. The people who are walking away from the mansion are walking towards the poor neighborhood to help them. The reason why I used the words fortunate and less fortunate for the people is because I believe that people should always help those in need no matter if they are rich also. I believe the less fortunate is anyone struggling in anyway while the fortunate is anyone who is not struggling with the same things as the person who is struggling. I used the rich and poor as an example, but in all honesty it could be someone who is getting bullied who is the less fortunate and  the fortunate is someone who is not being bullied and can intervene. My message to anyone seeing this illustration is that it is important to help someone who is helpless if you have the power to.

This illustration was made on Adobe Illustrator and is actually my 2nd piece. I first made my original piece and finished before Thanksgiving break, but Mr. Dahms recommended me to try another piece, which is this current piece you see. I mainly used the pen tool to create everything and used pictures online to reference off of in order to create the mansion, shacks, and people. I was inspired by Illustrator tutorial to do shadows of people and the hills. In my 1st piece I used most of the techniques from the tutorial, but in my 2nd piece I loosely based it off the tutorial and was mainly inspired. The tutorial was easy to follow because it was fairly simple. The only tip I can give someone who would like to use this tutorial is to use a gradient tool if you cannot use Kuler to find corresponding colors for the gradients of the sky.
The tutorial that inspired my artwork can be found here.
"The Fortunate," designed by Pechiney S. ©2014


  1. I absolutely love both your design an opinion for what would make the world a better place. Instantly you can tell all the time and thought you put in to creating this artwork. It stands out above many other ideas. I agree that people who are more fortunate should both help the poor and use their riches to help those in need.

  2. I Luv dis measge makes me crie litle ters );

  3. omg can i pls have your photo!! its such a good concept and message !! Amazing sauce !!

  4. This is so good! Not only is it really appealing to the eye, but it delivers a great message that everyone should hear. You're right when you say that this doesn't need to apply to just the rich and poor, this message is universal. Great job :)

  5. I early like all the detail you put into this ! i can tell you worked really hard on it!

  6. I really like this image because all the little details and thoughts put into this are shown! Its a really good concept as well. :o)
