Friday, December 12, 2014

My Future Vision

My Future Hopes, Dreams and Desires. Designed by Pechiney S. ©2014
Everyone has a certain vision of their future that they strive to make come true. These visions involve the dreams, hopes, and desires that they've always had. My vision of my future involve all of that and is illustrated within the above artwork.

My dream career is to be an actress. I've always loved acting since I was young and have been involved in the Theater Department of my high school for four years. I would prefer to be a film actress, but I would also love to be performing on Broadway. I plan to major or minor in Theater in college next year, depending on where I go. In my artwork, I showed Stanford as the college of my future vision, but I've recently changed my mind to UC San Diego, which is what linked above. I've recently gotten braces and I plan to start doing auditions for show business and also Broadway shows after they come off. I will continue to audition for shows at school and try to learn more acting skills to improve my acting.

My view of happiness is to always have fun. I used Spongebob Squarepants in my illustration to represent that idea because Spongebob is always having fun. He is always optimistic and tries to look on the brighter side of things, which I think is very important. Spongebob loves his job at the Krusty Krab and is happy to be at work and enjoys his time there, which is something that is important to be happy in life. If you're not happy with your career, it's easy for you to have a bad day or stay upset because you dread going to work everyday. Spongebob also is a great representation of my idea for happiness because he is able to enjoy his time with friends and family while enjoying life and having fun with everything he does. He is able to have fun with his friends when doing something as simple as blowing bubbles which is great because he doesn't need anything expensive to enjoy his life. My view of happiness is represented by Spongebob Squarepants because of his optimism and love for life.

My plan to fulfill my vision above will take persistence and hard work. In order to be successful and stay on task, I plan to continuously work hard on my grades and try to maintain high GPA both in high school and college. I plan to continuously to learn from past mistakes and ask questions in order to succeed. In order to do well in acting, I plan to learn from the criticism and techniques my peers and teachers will teach me. I plan to earn more than a minimum wage by graduating college and becoming successful as an actress. I admit, that it will take a while at first but with a lot of hard work and perseverance I will hopefully succeed.

When I'm old and grey, my hope is that I will be able to tell my grandchildren that I never gave up. I hope I was able to fulfill my dreams, but even if I didn't I hope I tried my hardest and didn't give up easily. I hope I'm able to have a variety of stories that I could look back on and tell my grandchildren. I hope that I will have a loving family and not regret anything that has happened in my life.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The World Would Be a Better Place if...

PTSA, The world would be a better place if...competition

My intentions for making this piece is to influence people who are better off to help those who are not. In this illustration, I had a mansion to represent the rich and a neighborhood of shacks to represent the poor. The people who are walking away from the mansion are walking towards the poor neighborhood to help them. The reason why I used the words fortunate and less fortunate for the people is because I believe that people should always help those in need no matter if they are rich also. I believe the less fortunate is anyone struggling in anyway while the fortunate is anyone who is not struggling with the same things as the person who is struggling. I used the rich and poor as an example, but in all honesty it could be someone who is getting bullied who is the less fortunate and  the fortunate is someone who is not being bullied and can intervene. My message to anyone seeing this illustration is that it is important to help someone who is helpless if you have the power to.

This illustration was made on Adobe Illustrator and is actually my 2nd piece. I first made my original piece and finished before Thanksgiving break, but Mr. Dahms recommended me to try another piece, which is this current piece you see. I mainly used the pen tool to create everything and used pictures online to reference off of in order to create the mansion, shacks, and people. I was inspired by Illustrator tutorial to do shadows of people and the hills. In my 1st piece I used most of the techniques from the tutorial, but in my 2nd piece I loosely based it off the tutorial and was mainly inspired. The tutorial was easy to follow because it was fairly simple. The only tip I can give someone who would like to use this tutorial is to use a gradient tool if you cannot use Kuler to find corresponding colors for the gradients of the sky.
The tutorial that inspired my artwork can be found here.
"The Fortunate," designed by Pechiney S. ©2014